How To Serve The Programm :
We organize Summer Training and Winter training. You can serve accordingly throughout the year as follows :
Summer Training : April to August.
Winter Training : Nov. to February.
Only 10 participants per batch can be participate in this program.
04 week – 24 week
5 days in a week (Mon – Fri)
10:00AM – 04:00PM
PhD./M.Tech./M.Sc./B.Tech./B.Sc./Diploma in Biotechnology, Food Technology, Industrial Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Dairy Technology, Biochemistry, B.Pharma, M.Pharma, Industrial Chemistry, Soil Science, Environmental Science & Agricultural Science etc.
BDRI has been started Summer/Winter training for the proper development of students. It is seen that Indian students are knowledgeable but not employable. It is horrible condition before Indian education culture. BDRI is trying to make students fit for job. It helps the students to know what actually they are going to do. BDRI is trying to help in every part of student education to help them to be more knowledgeable and job able. Summer/Winter training realize the increasing importance of industrial production and quality control analysis education in rapidly developing global business environment.
Biotechnology training in India is most important requirement for all the students, researchers, scientists, and personals interested in carrying out life science research or who wish to carry Biological studies to make a career in Life sciences. BDRI Biotechnology Training programs goal to train all the interested individuals to function as independent researchers/experts in a multidisciplinary environment of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, and clinical Research. To achieve this goal we have assembled a team of expert Scientists and Researchers specializing in Biotechnology/Microbiology, Molecular biology, Biostatistics/Statistics.
Program Category
The Training Programm of BDRI categorized as Level – I(Basic Techniques) and Level –II (Advance Techniques). Basic techniques are utilize to do primary production and analysis which required in every industry. Whereas Advance techniques may be Industry or product specific which are utilized for the development of product and improvement of their quality. Advance techniques are not possible without the knowledge basic techniques. Because many problems will be their to handle the sophisticated equipments. Advance techniques helps to increase the salary or package graph.
Fee: Level – I Level – II
Registration Fee * @ Rs. 500.00 @ Rs. 1000.00
Training Fee (Per Week)
Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory @ Rs. 1750.00 @ Rs. 3000.00
Bihar Campus @ Rs. 1250.00 @ Rs. 2250.00
Accommodation (BDRI Hostel) ** (Per day)
Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory @ Rs. 250.00 @ Rs. 250.00
Bihar Campus @ Rs. 175.00 @ Rs. 175.00
Accommodation (Other Hostels) ** (Per day)
Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory @ Rs. 300.00 @ Rs. 300.00
Bihar Campus @ Rs. 200.00 @ Rs. 200.00
* Registration Fee applicable one time with BDRI to get Unique ID Code and Membership.
** Accommodation (Fooding & Lodging) at BDRI hostel chargeable on day basis. In case of unavailability of bed students should have make their own arrangement or may avail through BDRI on above cost.