Only 10 participants per batch can be participate in this program.


04 week – 24 week


5 days in a week (Mon – Fri)

10:00AM – 04:00PM


  • Hands-on Training
  • Lecture Overview
  • Industries based protocol
  • Industrial visit
  • Industrial Documentation
  • Record Keeping
  • 100% Job Assistance



PhD./M.Tech./M.Sc./B.Tech./B.Sc./Diploma in Biotechnology, Food Technology, Industrial Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Dairy Technology, Biochemistry, B.Pharma, M.Pharma, Industrial Chemistry, Soil Science, Environmental Science & Agricultural Science etc.

Govt/Industrial Protocols :

National – FSSAI, BIS, FAO, PCPB etc.

 International – ISO, AOAC, APHA etc.

How To Serve The Programm :

We organize Internship regularly. You can serve any time throughout the year.


*Selection procedure accomplished in two round ; Screening (MCQs) and Interview.

*Out of All Participants only 10 Interns will be shortlist in merit list and 10 in waiting list.

*If any Intern lose the internship in given time period, the waitlisted Intern will placed randomly.

Click Here for Registration


We all know that India is a developing country and the development of a country is on the hand of their new generation. In India lots of talent is hidden, it should want to explore.  Students have been learnt many things inside the classroom study, but they should gets exposure their knowledge, ideas and interest on the out sided world. We take the example of any scientists or doctors if they do not do any practice or experiment before doing their work how can doctors operate their patients and how scientists invents the things. For all professional courses related to Biotechnology and life sciences, Internship is required . Students have learn many things in the time of schooling and in their courses but let’s time to do it practically which increase job opportunity. Today’s inexperienced students facing problem during job searching. The students don’t have that much knowledge how to work with an industry, what we do there, how to implement the products, How to analyze them to maintain their quality and  how to deal with clients etc. Internship is one of the important way for any professional students who will want to work with an industry or companies in future. Internship provides an opportunity to boost the knowledge practically; it should give a chance to know more about industry internally.

Why Internship During Course ?

  • Internship might help to find future employer.
  • Internship is a Test-drive of knowledge and skills.
  • It develop the work confidence.
  • Internship grooms to a role-models.
  • Make Strengthen in CV.
  • If Participants do well, they have a good network.
  • It can be the experience of a lifetime.
  • If internship will take every year, easy to stand as start- up.

Program Category

The Training Programm of BDRI categorized as Level – I(Basic Techniques) and Level –II (Advance Techniques). Basic techniques are utilize to do primary production and analysis which required in every industry. Whereas Advance techniques may be Industry or product specific which are utilized for the development of product and and improvement of their quality. Advance techniques are not possible without the knowledge basic techniques. Because many problems will be their to handle the sophisticated equipments. Advance techniques helps to increase the salary or package graph.

                                                                      Level – I                                   Level – II

                                                               (BASIC TECHNIQUES)   (ADVANCE TECHNIQUES)

Fee         : Registration Fee *                      @ Rs. 500.00               @ Rs. 1000.00

 Internship Package Cost **(08 Weeks)                                         

 Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory   @ Rs. 32,000.00          @ Rs. 45,000.00

 Bihar Campus                                                @ Rs. 25,000.00         @ Rs. 35,000.00

 Internship Package Cost **(12 Weeks)                                         

 Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory    @ Rs. 40,000.00         @ Rs. 50,000.00

 Bihar Campus                                                @ Rs. 30,000.00         @ Rs. 40,000.00

 Internship Package Cost ** (24 Weeks)                                        

 Delhi / NCR Lab/ Other State Territory    @ Rs. 75,000.00         @ Rs. 80,000.00

 Bihar Campus                                                @ Rs. 55,000.00         @ Rs. 60,000.00

*              Registration Fee applicable one time with BDRI to get Unique ID Code and Membership.

**           Internship Package including Accommodation (Fooding & Lodging), Visit of Industries/R&D Institutions.